Here it is, part 2 of "Destiny's Balance." "Skirting the Balance," is divided into three sections, none of which are directly connected to the other two. This means that you can read the sections in any order you like. This is a post TF work, meaning if you haven't seen the movie, "Tenchi Forever," you might have a little trouble understanding some of the background. Tenchi Muyo is the property of AIC and Pioneer LDC. The author owns only the writing and the characters he, himself, creates. Ssedrey and the Asconian people are the property of Daniel Powell and are being used with his knowledge and consent for this fic. Skirting the Balance A: Talon of the Blood Mist Washu's eyes opened slowly. Her head was pounding like a trip hammer. She was lying on the floor. That much she could tell. Everything else was a blur. Over the sound of the pounding in her head, she could hear something else. Laughter. She blinked and searched for the source. Slowly, her eyes focused on a little girl with light violet hair kneeling on the ground. In her hands was the Tentacle of Dooooom. She was laughing as the purple tentacle repeatedly tapped her on the cheek with the end of its tentacle. Achi giggled. "Ssedrey! Ssedrey! Come take a look at this! It's so *cute*!" The tentacle gurgled again and tapped her on the face. Achi continued giggling. She hadn't seen either of them in a year. She looked up and saw the eight foot lizard standing over her. "Come, Ms. WaSshu. I will take you to the infirmary." Washu looked around and saw Mihoshi and Sasami coming around. They looked like they were in pain. Ryo-Ohki was nearby, miya'ing pitifully. "Ssedrey?" she asked, still dazed. The lizard hissed and nodded. He reached down and picked up the scientist, tossing her over his shoulder. Then he took Mihoshi and put her over his other shoulder. Finally, he bent down and picked Sasami up, cradling her in his reptilian arms. "Hold on," he told Washu, "I don't wish to drop you." Washu nodded weakly and held onto the Asconian's cape. "Achi, take Ryo-Ohki and your new friend and follow me to the infirmary." "Okay, Ssedrey." Achi picked up Ryo-Ohki and the tentacle and followed the lizard down the corridor of the Talon of the Blood Mist. After a few minutes on the Talon's bio-bed, Washu began to feel better. The effects of the sonic disruptor began to dissipate. She turned her head and found Sasami lying on a similar bed, just starting to come around. Washu hopped off the bio-bed and tried walking a few steps. Sasami was still unconscious, but the bed was working its magic on her as well, and was expected to be all right. She faced Ssedrey. "What happened?" Ssedrey hissed and explained things to her as it had happened. How Cavis was tipped off about the assassination, the plan to rescue them, and how it went south. By the time he was done, Mihoshi and Sasami were awake and asking him to repeat the parts they missed. "So, what's the plan?" Washu asked after Ssedrey was done repeating his story. "Cavis has left us intstructions. We will follow them." Washu was skeptical. "Instructions, huh?" Ssedrey arched an eyebrow. "Cavis' counsel is usually sound, and has saved our lives more than once." "So what is his counsel?" Washu asked. Ssedrey went to a computer terminal and accessed the file. He blinked. "'Hide?' What kind of plan is that?" He was aware of everyone's eyes on him. He turned and said, "Cavis has counselled us to find a safe harbor and wait for an opportunity to make contact with him." Washu arched an eyebrow. "Mmm hmmm." "Mr. Ssedrey," Sasami began, "What happened to Ayeka, Tenchi, and Ryoko?" "I don't know, Little One. But I am sure they are safe." "Yeah," Achi piped in. Then her voice turned cross. "Unless they're with Davner, then they're just screwed." Mihoshi covered her mouth with her hands. "Oh no!" Ssedrey threw Achi a look. "I am sure they are fine." "Which brings me back to my original question," Washu told him. "What's the plan?" Ssedrey thought for a moment. They were being hunted by Assassins, they were separated from their friends, and if they got caught out in space alone by more than a few of their ships, or by the Asconian gunboat, they weren't going to last long. Ssedrey hissed between his fangs in thought. They needed a place to hide... He blinked as an idea came to him. It would be risky, but options were coming up short. He made his decision and turned to them. "My people have a colony nearby. We will go there." Washu arched an eyebrow. "I thought your people didn't *like* outworlders." "We do not, however, exceptions have been made in the past. I believe we will be safe there." "For how long?" Sasami asked worriedly. "We have to find my sister and the others!" Ssedrey knelt down next to the princess. "We will search when it is safe to do so." Sasami was about to protest, but Ssedrey stopped her. "Your sister would not want you to endanger yourself by searching for her, would she?" Sasami licked her lips in thought and shook her head. "Then you must trust me. We will go to Elbreth." Ssedrey set them up in the spare quarters, and they waited there. Sasami stared out the window, concerned for her sister. Ryo-Ohki sat with her, sighing as she wondered what had happened to Ryoko. Mihoshi bawled her eyes out, worried about Kiyone, and Washu was tapping away at her holotop, not really concerned. After all, there was no point worrying until there was something definite to worry about. Achi stayed with them and tried to keep their spirits up. By now, she had fallen completely in love with Washu's Tentacle of Doooom, and had already gone about renaming it. "You'll be called, 'Little Kawaii Tentacle!'" she had declared. Washu facefaulted, and the Little Kawaii Tentacle tapped Achi on the cheek again. This whole episode managed to make Mihoshi laugh, and even Sasami smiled a little. Meanwhile, up on the bridge, Ssedrey was having problems of his own. "No!" the Asconian on the screen told him sternly. "You have already soiled our holy ground when you brought the Jurain to the homeworld! Now you wish to spread the filth to our colonies?!" Ssedrey hissed in annoyance. "They are *not* filth!" he retorted, "And if you name them so again, I will take your tongue." The lizard on the screen narrowed his red-yellow eyes. "You may not land with them." "You are but a Zista," Ssedrey pointed out. "You do not speak for the colony. I demand you pass along my request to the Council, and tell them who makes the request. You will do so now." The bureaucrat hissed, but finally nodded. "Very well, Guardsman, I will pass along your request." "I will hear a response in one hour." The lizard's eyes went wide. "An hour is not long en..." Ssedrey turned off the screen, and the bureaucrat's face disappeared. He hissed in annoyance, the tip of his tail flicked from side to side. Now it was time to see if his name still held any weight. Three hours later, Ssedrey called them up to the bridge. "We will be landing in ten minutes," Ssedrey told them. "This is the arrangement. We can land, but you will not be permitted to leave the ship." "You mean we'll have to stay inside?" Mihoshi asked in disbelief. "For how long, Ssedrey?" Sasami asked. "Until it is safe to leave again," Ssedrey said. "Hmmm," Washu said. "Why all the secrecy?" Ssedrey threw her a look. "I mean, from what I hear, Cavis has already seen your homeworld, the center of your race's holy spirit. Why are they being so tight about a colony?" "That is another story for another time," Ssedrey told her. "We are here, now, and we must deal with *this* story. In this story, you will not leave the ship." Washu shrugged. "Fine with me. You think they can send us some real food, though? I mean, space rations are fine, but they get" Ssedrey nodded. "I will request some once we land." He blinked when he saw Sasami's expression turn to awe. "Wow," she said as she gazed out the window Ssedrey was standing in front of. Ssedrey turned and saw what the little princess had been so impressed by. A Tidara-class warship was in orbit around the small brown planet they were aiming for. The warship, almost thrity six kilometers long, filled the window. Light from the thousands of windows could barely be seen. It was an awesome sight for one who had never seen one before. The largest Jurain warship was only a mile long, and they were considered monstrous by their people. In comparison, a Tidara was simply unreal. Even Washu was impressed. "A Tidara-class battleship," she whispered, "You don't see one of those everyday." Ssedrey turned to her in stunned disbelief. "One day, Little WaSshu, you and I will speak of where your knowledge of my people comes from." "My, that's a big ship," Mihoshi commented. A reptilian face appeared on the viewscreen. "I am Captain Ekra, of Her Majesty's Hunter Vessel, Preymaker. Identify." Ssedrey turned to the image and stood taller. "I am Guardsman Ssedrey," he said. "We will land immediately." Ekra hissed as his eyes rested on Washu and the others. "Are these the prey?" Ssedrey's eyes narrowed. "They are *not* prey." "They are not of us," Ekra replied. "That makes them prey." "We will land immediately," Ssedrey repeated. Ekra hissed again, but nodded. "You will land immediately." They watched out the window as the Talon of the Blood Mist entered the atmosphere of the Asconian colony world. The sky went from black to dull red, the planet was brown, dusty, and desolate. Ssedrey guided the ship towards the colony, a small pocket of civilization that looked out of place in the middle of this desert. The buildings were short and squat. The tallest was only three stories tall. The architecture seemed to be based on functionality rather than artistic beauty. It made the city seem...dull. They approached a long row of domes that ran the perimeter of the colony. One of the domes split and opened at their approach. Ssedrey guided the ship into the dome and touched down on the landing pad within. They felt the ship make contact with a "clunk." Washu looked out the cockpit window. "Hmmm. Looks like a welcoming committee," Ssedrey looked out the window and saw three tall reptiles approaching the ship from a blast door located in front of them. He nodded. "Allow me to speak with them, and remain silent." They all nodded. Ssedrey opened the hatch and allowed the Asconians to enter. The leader wore a dark red cloak similar to Ssedrey's only with a gold trim and a symbol embroidered with gold thread on the front. A black, winged dragon was curled against a red backdrop and bordered with gold. The other two entered just behind him in dark, metal plate armor. They each held a short vopolia, or throwing axe, about a foot long, close to their chests. Their tails flicked from side to side behind them. Ssedrey knew this as a unconscious signal that they were tensed for combat. There were times before a battle that he had to consciously keep his own tail from unwrapping itself from around his waist where he usually kept it. The leader, he knew by his dress, was a MaSsas, a colony elder. He dipped his snout to the elder in respect. "Guardsman Ssedrey," the MaSsas began. "I am ReSstis. I sit on the council of this colony." Ssedrey dipped his snout again. "I am honored to be greeted by one such as you, honored MaSsas." ReSstis nodded. He looked up at the group of mammals standing behind Ssedrey. "So these are the mammals you have brought with you?" "Yes, honored MaSsas." ReSstis nodded. "Well, fear not. They will be safe here. Our colony is small and unimportant in the concerns of the Great Balance, but we will do whatever we must to assist you, Guardsman." "I thank you, honored MaSsas." "They must not leave your ship. The punishment for doing so will be deadly, but as long as they remain here, they will be treated as guests. Now, do you require anything?" "We require adequate food for them, honored MaSsas." The elder blinked. "Hmmm. Er...what do mammals eat?" Ssedrey sighed. "I will download specifics to the colony database. Hopefully, that will be enough for the cooks to prepare something adequate." ReSstis nodded. "Very well, then I will take my leave of you. Be well, Guardsman." "Thank you, honored MaSsas." ReSstis and his bodyguards left the ship. Washu waited until they were gone before asking, "Hey, Ssedrey, why did he call you, 'Guardsman?'" Ssedrey gave her an Asconian smile, which essentially consisted of opening his mouth and showing her his fangs. "So, WaSshu, something you *do not* know at last, eh?" Washu arched an eyebrow and waited for an answer. "I served a short time in my race's military. According to custom, even after leaving, one is addressed by his rank in service." From behind them, Achi spoke up in a worried voice. "Ssedrey, that man lied to you." Ssedrey looked at her in astonishment. "Achi, you must be mistaken. An honored MaSsas would not lie to me." "I'm telling you, Ssedrey, he's lying to you." Washu turned to Achi. "What about, Achi?" Achi shook her head. "I don't know. He was lying so much, it's hard to make out what he was lying about and what he was telling the truth about!" Ssedrey hissed. "Are you absolutely certain, Achi?" Achi nodded her head rapidly. "I swear, Ssedrey! He was lying!" Ssedrey's eyes narrowed. Why would a MaSsas lie to him. He replayed the conversation in his mind. If the MaSsas *was* lying about some of the things he said, then they could be in real trouble. He thought back to Washu's earlier comment about the amount of security the colony had. It *was* rather extravagant given how far the colony was from the mainstream. "Remain here," he told them. "I will go make inquiries." He turned to Washu and Mihoshi. "Do not allow anyone else in here." Washu and Mihoshi nodded. He turned to Achi and knelt down. "Little One, the spare blaster is in the forward compartment. Remember what Davner and I taught you?" Achi nodded. The reptile stood up and made for the hatch. He reached beneath his cloak and checked the six vorpolias he kept at various points over his body. He opened the hatch and stepped outside, taking a full breath of dry air and waiting for the hatch to cycle shut behind him. It was time to go hunting. ReSstis entered his office, his two bodyguards taking up positions at the door. His assistant stood at his desk. "By your commmand, honored MaSsas." ReSstis sat down behind the desk and began looking over the various papers on his desk while he gave orders to the assistant. "Dispatch a message to Captain Ekra. Tell him if the Talon of the Blood Mist attempts to leave, it is to be destroyed." The assistant jotted this down. "And also dispatch a message to NeSster...." "Tell him we have his prey caged." Ssedrey returned to find the ship quiet and in one piece, which was good, considering that he feared it might not be ever since he left it. He had found out little from his trip into the city. No one seemed willing to speak to him even though he was one of their race. It was odd. He found Achi and Sasami eating in the small kitchen compartment. Sasami was throwing pieces of her space rations to Ryo-Ohki while Achi fed the Lill' Kawaii Tentacle bits and pieces of her own meal. Achi sensed him and looked up. "Ssedrey! You're back!" Ssedrey nodded. "Is all well here?" The two girls nodded. "Good. I must speak with WaSshu. Where is she?" They pointed to one of the aft compartments. Ssedrey started for it and opened the door. It was dark inside. He tensed and entered slowly as the door slid shut behind him... Something struck at him! He leapt into the air and drew a vorpolia. On his way back down, he slashed out at his attacker. A metal tentacle fell to the ground, twitching spasmodically, cut off from its power supply. Before Ssedrey could turn, four more tentacles had wrapped themselves around him. He struggled, but even his Asconian strength was no match for the tentacles. He hissed and growled as the tentacles dragged him to the deck and held him there. He snapped at them, but they didn't care. "Oh, relax, would ya?!" a nasally voice admonished him from the shadows. "Don't be such a baby!" Ssedrey blinked. "WaSshu?!" His eyes went wide as he heard the two chibi Washu's speak up from the shadows. "That's right! The greatest scientific genius in the universe!" "YEA, WASHU!!" "YEA, WASHU!!" Washu stepped out of the shadows arrayed in an Asconian outfit. She adjusted the headdress of white feathers on her head and approached the reptile. Ssedrey gasped in shock. "Er...WaSshu?" "Relax. Strictly medical. I just need a few samples." Ssedrey gulped. "Samples?" "Mmmm hmmm. You see, Ssedrey, I encountered your species about seven hundred years ago, and have always been fascinated by them. Was planning a trip to your homeworld, came up." Ssedrey hissed. "Release me this instant!" "Now, don't be frightened. I'm always very gentle with my guinea" She grinned wickedly. "Unless of course, you *prefer* I be rough..." "I prefer that you let me out of this!" "Now, now," she said. "I promise, you'll get a kick out of it." She approached Ssedrey, grinning. Ssedrey braced himself, but suddenly, Washu stopped. "Wait," she said. "There's something wrong here..." "You are just now figuring that out?!" She shook her head. "No, I mean something's missing." She let Ssedrey lie there while she thought. Suddenly, she snapped her fingers. "Mihoshi!" The reptile blinked. "What?" "Mihoshi's supposed to be here by now, screwing up my experiments, but she's not here!" "Lucky you," Ssedrey murmurred sarcastically. "No, you don't understand. It's practically like clockwork. So if she's not here, screwing up *my* day, then where is she?!" Ssedrey's eyes went wide. "Oh no!" Mihoshi ooh'd and aww'd at the sprawling city around her. It turned out that the area they saw when they landed was only the space port. The rest of the colony was actually beneath the planet's surface. The city went on for miles in every direction. The buildings all looked the same to her.... As a result, she got lost even faster than usual. She was just going to step outside to get some air. That was all. Suddenly, she was lost with no idea of how to get back to the ship. So she wandered. Now she was even more lost than when she started. "Oh, great, *now* where am I?" She looked around for someone she could ask for directions. The city seemed practically deserted. Most of the Asconians she saw seemed to be looking at her in the most unfriendly manner. She decided to move on and try to find her way back on her own. She found herself at a series of tubes that ran off in different directions. She found it was a form of public transportation. She stepped into a tube car and watched the door slide shut behind her. Something in the tube hissed at her. She jumped in surprise, but when she searched around her, she found that there was nothing there. She heard the hiss again, exactly as before. A panel next to the door was blinking. She snapped her fingers. "You must be the computer!" There was another series of hisses, followed by a few growls and some throaty rasps. "Um...can you help me?" There were a few more hisses. "Well, you see, I'm kind of lost and I'm looking for my ship. Could you take me there? Where the ships are?" More hisses. Suddenly, the tube began to move. Mihoshi smiled, proud that she had managed to solve her problem by herself. Washu pulled the cloak closer around herself. Mihoshi hadn't turned up anywhere onboard the ship when they searched it. That meant she was somewhere in the colony. And that was a bad thing. The Asconians on this colony had made it very clear to them what would happen if they were caught away from their ship. She just hoped that she and Ssedrey could find her before the Asconian soldiers did. She looked around at the city proper and gasped. The colony was huge! "How are we gonna find her in all of this?!" Washu asked. Ssedrey looked from side to side. Suddenly, he saw a pair of soldiers run past them, armed with pulse rifles. "We follow them," he told her and took off after the soldiers. Washu followed. "Um...*Now* where am I?" Mihoshi was on the verge of tears. She had gotten out of the tube and walked forward, expecting to find her ship. Instead, she found herself on some kind of boardwalk. She leaned on the rail and looked out at the massive underground cavern. She could see lights below her, running out for miles in front of her. Some of the lights formed a shape she found familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Some lights moved, vehicles of some kind that she couldn't make out at this distance. She looked up and saw the sky of granite above her. She sighed. "Now I'm *really* lost." She began to sniffle. "KIYONE!" "*KIYONE*" "KIYONE" "kiyone" She listened to the echo and blinked. "Cool," she giggled. "Listening to your spirits, young lady?" She turned in surprise and found a short Asconian standing there next to her. He wore a dark cloak that hid his features and leaned on a staff. She blinked. She hadn't seen him come up. "Um...something like that?" The lizard nodded solemnly. "You appear misplaced, young lady." "Oh, I am! I'm trying to find my friends! Have you seen them?!" The Asconian shook his head. Mihoshi blinked when she saw a bit of white hair fall from beneath his cowl instead of white feathers. "I am sorry. I have not seen your scientist, your princess, your empath, your Guardsman, your cabbit, or your tentacle." "Oh, well, thanks anyway," Mihoshi said, dejected. The lizard chuckled to himself. "What do you think of the view?" "It's very pretty," Mihoshi commented. "Hmmm," the Asconian agreed, nodding. "Very pretty. Often it is the prettiest things that cause the most trouble." He said this sadly. He seemed to perk up and said, "I'm sure *you* know something of that, young lady." Mihoshi blushed. "Why...are you *flirting* with me?!" The lizard laughed. "Only in an old man's fantasies." ", what are they?" she asked, looking out at the lights in the cavern. "They are one Asconian's interpretation of the outcome of the Great Balance," he told her matter-of-factly. Mihoshi blinked, then smiled. "Neat!" The lizard chuckled again. "Some would not use that word to describe them, but, yes, in a way, very neat." The lizard turned his head at the sound of approaching footsteps. "Step closer, Detective Mihoshi." "Hmm? Well, okay." She took a step closer to the cloaked Asconian and watched as his simple staff began to glow faintly. She looked up and saw two Asconian soldiers running toward them... Then right on past as if they hadn't even noticed they were there. The cloaked lizard was silent. Then, he lifted his head. "You're friends are here. I bid you a good day, Detective." Mihoshi smiled and waved as the lizard turned from her. "It was nice talking to you!" He stopped and turned back to her. "A piece of friendly advice, Detective Mihoshi. Leave here. Leave here soon." Mihoshi blinked. "Um..okay." She watched him walk off and suddenly realized something. "Hey! Wait! How did you know my name!?" He ignored her and walked off. "Hmm," she said. "He was nice." "Mihoshi!" She turned and found Washu and Ssedrey running toward her. "HEY!" Mihoshi cried out with a laugh. "I found you!" Washu ran up, leapt into the air, and grabbed Mihoshi by the front of her shirt. "ARE YOU INSANE!?" the scientist screamed up at her. Mihoshi sniffled. "I'm sorry. I got lost and...and I ended up here...and I...and I...." Mihoshi began to cry. Washu growled. "I cannot believe you!" Ssedrey ignored them. He was looking out at the cavern and the lights below. He hissed in amazement, the tip of his tail flicked from side to side. "By Ssiranus the Firstborn," he whispered. Washu looked up at the sight and gasped in awe. "Yeah," Mihoshi piped up. "Great view, isn't it?!" Washu gulped. "Those are...those are..." Ssedrey nodded. "Those are what?" Mihoshi asked. "Ships," Ssedrey told her. He did a quick count. "Almost twenty of them in various states of construction." "A shipyard," Washu whispered. "The whole colony is just a big shipyard." She made her own count. By the lights on the ships, she counted about seven of the large Tidara class battleships and about thirteen of the smaller Makira class ships. It was the sight of the smaller ships that filled her with the most dread. Though only seventeen kilometers long, the Makira class ship was known for its incredible destructive power. It was a planet killer. Mounted on each one was a larger version of the pulse cannon on Ssedrey's ship. It was capable of firing a blast large enough to penetrate into a planet's core and annihilate it. The planet would become unstable, and implode. Washu shivered. There was only one reason to build so many Makiras. "It looks like they're getting ready for an invasion," she commented deadpan. Mihoshi blinked. "Who would want to invade them?" Washu sighed. "That's not what I meant. I don't think they're building these ships to *stop* an invasion..." "I think they're preparing to invade someone else." "Okay, now think real hard," Achi told the little, blue-haired princess. Sasami closed her eyes and concentrated on the white cube in front of her. The cube was small, just slightly larger than an average die. It sat on the floor between them, seeming to take no notice of either of the girls. Sasami took a breath, her tongue stuck out of one corner of her mouth in concentration. Slowly, the cube began to turn blue. Achi laughed and clapped. Sasami's eyes shot open. She looked down at the cube, which was now a pale blue. She grinned. "I did it!" Achi nodded. "See? Told ya." The cube was actually a Penzatan children's toy, something Ssedrey had picked up last time he was in Penzatan space. It was designed to help train young Penzatans to concentrate. It was made of a material that was very reactive to thought patterns. "What can you do with it, Achi?" Sasami asked. Achi stared down at the cube and concentrated. The blue was replaced by white. Sasami laughed in delight as each side of the cube changed to a different color. Then, the sides quartered into four squares each, each square a different color. Sasami watched as the squares of color began to rotate around the sides of the cube. Suddenly, the cube turned white again. Sasami looked up to see Achi staring at the bulkhead to her right. Sasami blinked in puzzlement. "Achi?" "Uh oh!" Achi jumped to her feet. "What is it?" "Trouble. Come on, we gotta hide!" Achi helped Sasami to her feet. The two girls grabbed Ryo-Ohki and the Little Kawaii Tentacle and started towards the rear of the ship. "What is it, Achi? What's going on?" "They're coming for us!" Achi told her as they searched for somewhere to hide. "They're just outside!" Sasami's eyes widened in fear. From behind them, they heard the outer hatch open. "This way," Achi ordered, dragging the princess into a dimly lit room. Sasami looked around and saw a simply furnished room. A bed, a desk and stool, and a small table were the only furnishings. Two odd looking spears were hung on the wall, crossed over one another. She also noticed that this room was quite a bit warmer than the rest of the ship. Sweat began to bead up on her forehead. She noticed that Achi was sweating too. The little empath pulled a crystalline wand from a pocket in her dress and looked down at it. She looked around the room and found another door. She pulled Sasami toward it. "In here." The door shut behind them. Sasami found herself pressed against some rather thick garments that had a peculiar smell to them. She realized suddenly that she was in Ssedrey's closet. Achi was mashed against her in the tiny space. Her breathing was swift and fearful. She raised the wand as she scanned the room outside with her mind. Sasami tensed as she heard heavy footsteps outside the door. She quickly turned and deposited Ryo-Ohki and the Little Kawaii Tentacle on the ground behind her. She reached up and took one of Ssedrey's cloaks off the hanger and threw it over them. "You two stay quiet," she ordered. Ryo-Ohki miya'd pitifully from beneath the cloak. Achi tensed as she sensed someone just outside the door. She reached out with her mind and felt it, felt the decision to check the door. She raised the wand... The door shot open, and Achi struck. She screamed and reached out with her wand. The tip of the wand tapped the lizard on the head. With a groan, it fell to the ground, asleep. Before Achi could celebrate her victory, another scaly hand shot out and grabbed her by the throat. Another took her by the wrist and squeezed. Achi cried out in pain and dropped the wand. The Asconian soldier dragged her out of the closet. She heard Sasami scream as another Asconian grabbed the little princess. She kicked at the lizard, who brought her face within inches of his own and examined her with a critical, red, eye. Achi choked as the Asconian squeezed her neck a little harder. He turned her head from side to side, studying her. The Asconian soldier who held Sasami was studying her in a similar manner. Achi heard the lizards speak to one another in their own language. "Which is it?" The one who held Achi asked. The other one shook his snout from side to side. "I do not know. How can you tell them apart?" Achi's captor hissed in annoyance. "One is a princess. The other is not." "That doesn't help." He hissed again. "We will take them both. NeSster will know." "What about KanviSs?" the other asked, kicking the sleeping Asconian, who was snoring loudly now. "Leave him." The two soldiers carried the girls down the corridor, through the hatch and down the boarding ramp. The entire time, Achi kicked at her assailant. Sasami struggled as well, but the lizards held them tight. As they walked down the wrap, they failed to notice that someone was watching them from atop the ship itself. Failed to notice, that is, until Ssedrey landed behind the one holding Sasami and sunk the blade of his vorpolia into the lizard's back. The Asconian screamed and dropped Sasami to the floor as he fell to the ground. The one who held Achi whirled around. He threw the empath to the ground and drew a vorpolia of his own. Ssedrey adopted a combat stance and waited. His adversary was young and probably faster than Ssedrey, but Ssedrey had skill and experience. It was over almost as soon as it had begun. The soldier charged and swung the vorpolia over his head at Ssedrey. Ssedrey ducked to one side and lashed out with his tail, sweeping the lizard off his feet. A second later and Ssedrey was on him. He placed the razor sharp edge of his vorpolia at his adversary's throat and pulled the axe aross the soldier's exposed neck. He leaped off the Asconian and watched as the lizard thrashed around on the ground as it bled to death. He turned away from the sight and found Washu and Mihoshi kneeling over Achi and Sasami, helping them up. "Are you all right?" he asked. Achi massaged her throat and nodded. "Yeah," Sasami added. "What happened?" Washu asked. Sasami and Achi took turns explaining what happened aboard the Talon of the Blood Mist. When they were done, Ssedrey narrowed his eyes. "So, there is one more aboard the ship?" Achi and Sasami nodded. "Remain here." Ssedrey entered the ship while the others watched on and waited. There were several hisses and sharp, guttural barks. Then the sound of something being thrown against the bulkhead. Ssedrey reappeared a few moments later carrying Ryo-Ohki and the Little Kawaii Tentacle in his arms. "Ryo-Ohki!" Sasami cried as she ran up to Ssedrey. "LKT!" Achi cried as she ran up to Ssedrey. As Sasami and Achi hugged their friends, Washu turned to Ssedrey. "We have to warn someone about this." Ssedrey nodded. "But who? We don't know who they intend to invade." "Jurai seems to be the obvious choice." Ssedrey nodded, but paused as another thought occurred to him. "No, not Jurai. Asconia." Washu blinked. "But...this is an *Asconian* colony." Ssedrey turned to her. "Ask yourself, WaSshu. Why create more ships to invade Jurai? Our military is already advanced enough to take Jurai easily, so why create more ships....and why create them in secret?" Washu took a breath. "Coup de'tat." Ssedrey nodded. "They wish to incite rebellion." Mihoshi spoke up. "So let's call Ssedrey's planet and tell them!" Ssedrey hissed in annoyance. "We cannot. The subspace antennae was destroyed during our escape from Earth." Washu thought on this. "What about the colony transmitter?" The lizard nodded in thought. "Possible, but difficult." "Do we have a choice?" Washu asked. "No." "Then let's go." Ssedrey nodded and turned to the two girls. "Perhaps, you should stay behind." Achi pointed at the dead lizards nearby. "No thanks." He nodded. "Then remain close." RiSstas listened to the soldier's report in his office. As the Asconian soldier told them how he found the bodies of three other soldiers in the docking bay, but no sign of Ssedrey or his companions, the lizard standing next to the elder hissed and spat angrily. "Leave! Get out of my sight before I kill you!" The soldier dipped his snout submissively and practically ran from the room. ReSstis hissed between his fangs. He addressed the lizard standing next to him. "NeSster, you assured me we would not be compromised." NeSster turned to the MaSsas. "An unforseen occurrence." RiSstas' eyes narrowed. "An occurrence which must not reach the ears of the homeworld." "They will be found." The elder's voice dropped a degree. "They had better." "Where can they possibly hide?" "They will not," ReSstis told him after a moment's thought. "They will attempt to intervene. And in order to do that, they will need to send a message." NeSster was already heading out the door as ReSstis finished this comment. "The transmitter!" Once again dressed in cloaks, the group made their way to the colony's communication center. As they entered, the group found two more Asconian soldiers guarding the antechamber that led to the subspace communicator itself. One of them noticed the approaching group and gestured to his companion. They unslung their pulse rifles and started forward. "When I move," Ssedrey whispered, "Duck." Ssedrey walked ahead of them, towards the guards. He gave them an Asconian smile. Their weapons were unslung, but not quite pointed at him.... Yet. He dipped his snout to them in greeting and bowed, folding his right hand over his chest. As he did this, he touched a hidden switch on a ring he wore on his right hand. With a soft 'click' a shortened vorpolia, only half the size of a standard weapon, emerged from his right sleeve and found its way into his palm. As the guards began to tense, Ssedrey slashed out with the weapon, catching the closer guard in the throat. The guard gurgled and stumbled back, dropping his rifle. The other guard brought his weapon up and fired, but Ssedrey was no longer there. He dove to one side and flung the short axe at him. The vorpolia's blade embedded itself in the guard's face. The guard screamed and dropped his rifle, his hands going to his face. The lizard's scream trailed off as he crashed to the floor. Ssedrey stood up and checked to see if the others were all right. They had listened to him and gotten on the floor when the shooting started. H watched them climb to their feet. "Come, this way." As he started for the door, he heard a voice behind him call out. "Stop!" He whirled around and saw ten more Asconians standing at the doorway they had come through. The leader who had shouted at him stood out front. His feathery mane was shaved on either side of his head, and one of his fangs had been knocked out. He held no weapon, but the other lizards were pointing pulse rifles at them. "Surrender, *prey*!" the leader demanded. Ssedrey hissed at the insult. "Surrender is for the meek!" NeSster smiled. "Pity. I almost wish we were alone so that I might deal with you personally. However, I do not take such risks." Ssedrey's eyes narrowed. "You would not survive." "I guess we'll never know." Suddenly, the Asconians around NeSster began to glow. They looked to one another in fear as they began to...change. The cried out as they got shorter, their snouts flattened, and their green scales were replaced by a aquamarine flesh. Ssedrey and NeSster watched in shock as the other Asconians were changed into water sprites. Ssedrey threw a look at Washu, who was typing at her holotop and grinning evilly at NeSster. "How's that?" she asked evilly. NeSster's face fell. He didn't have time to wonder how she had done it. In that split second, Ssedrey was on him. NeSster hissed and barred his fang as he struggled with the former Guardsman. The two stepped back to get fighting room, their tails swished back and forth behind them. NeSster reached behind him and drew a long, thin-bladed assassin's knife. Ssedrey followed suit and pulled a vorpolia from its sheath on his back. The water sprites that were once Asconian guards hopped up and down and quacked violently as the two lizards fought. NeSster slashed out with the knife, but Ssedrey leapt back and landed ten feet away. He charged the Assassin, swinging the vorpolia around in two quick slashes. The first NeSster dodged, the second was stopped cold as the Assassin reached out and snagged Ssedrey's wrist with his left hand. NeSster brought the knife up. Ssedrey hissed in annoyance and hit a switch on his left ring finger. Another short vorpolia emerged from his left sleeve and landed in Ssedrey's palm. He slashed out and cut into NeSster's chest. NeSster cried out and jumped pack. He checked the wound on his chest and found blood seeping from the long cut across his midsection. Ssedrey didn't wait for him to recover. He leapt forward and spun, lashing out with his tail. It struck NeSster in the side of the head, knocking the Assassin to the ground. Ssedrey growled and leapt on top of him, dropping his vorpolias as he did. He took the stunned Assassin's head in his hands and pinned his arms to the ground with his knees. NeSster looked up at him in fear. Ssedrey hissed in contempt. "An Asconian without honor is no Asconian at all!" he spat. Then, summoning the power in his arms, he jerked NeSster's head to one side and broke his neck. Ssedrey stood up and turned to find that Washu and Mihoshi, along with Sasami and Achi were rounding up the water sprites and placing them in a portable forcefield Washu had created. "Come! There isn't much time!" Ssedrey raced to the communications room, the others hot on his heels. He opened the door and stepped inside... To find a single Asconian in a cloak sitting at the communications terminal. Ssedrey blinked in shock. He recognized the man. Apparently, so did Mihoshi. "Oh, hey! It's you again!" The Asconian chuckled to himself. "Ssedrey, my boy. You look as if someone walked over your burial mound." "Lord Drakna?" Behind him, Achi tugged on Ssedrey's cloak. "Ssedrey, I can't *sense* him," she whispered. The elderly Asconian, Drakna, laughed. "You have not changed. Still the same impetuous little lizard I remember so well." He turned to Washu. "And how are you, Little WaSshu?" Washu shrugged as if seeing Drakna there were the most natural thing in the world. "I'm okay. You seem spry enough for a man who's supposed to be dead." Drakna chuckled again. "I get around." He faced Mihoshi now. "And you, young lady, did not heed my advice. You should not be here. You should go. Quickly." "Lord Drakna, the colony..." Drakna waved for Ssedrey to be silent. "Taken care of, I assure you. Why else would I be here?" Ssedrey's eyes widened. "How long?" "Ohhhhhhhh......twenty minutes, maybe." Ssedrey's jaw dropped. "I suggest you hurry," Drakna told them. "Um....What's going..." Before Sasami could finish the question, Ssedrey had grabbed her, Achi, and Washu and was running for the exit. Mihoshi turned back to Drakna and waved. "Bai bai! It was nice seeing you agai-whoops!" This last part was said as Ssedrey grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her along. Ssedrey ran as fast as he could. Washu clung to his neck while Sasami and Achi were being carried under either arm, both of them clutching at Ryo-ohki and LKT respectively. Mihoshi ran beside him, the only one who could keep up with Ssedrey's quick pace. "Ssedrey, who was that?!" Achi asked as the lizard ran. "Lord Drakna," the lizard panted. "Once Emperor of my world. He was a great sorceror and a respected leader. One day, he disappeared. There were those who say he merged with his powers, became a creature of light and shadow rather than scale and bone. They say he observes the Great Balance of Destiny, interfering only when the Balance is in danger of losing its equilibrium." "You mean he's a ghost?" Sasami asked. Ssedrey turned a corner and continued to run. "After a fashion," he said, realizing how stupid it must sound. "I see," Sasami said. Ssedrey blinked at how quickly Sasami seemed to believe it. Of course, he had no way of knowing about Sasami's own experiences in the legendary Sargasso Sea. "So why...(pant pant)..are we running, Ssedrey?!" Mihoshi whined. "We have twenty minutes before the end of everything here!" As they entered the Talon of the Blood Mist, Ssedrey dropped his charges and went to the forward compartment, firing up the engines. Washu got up and shook her head. "What do you mean, 'the end of everything here?'" Ssedrey was rather busy in the cockpit, and so had only time for a rather annoyed reply. "Must I draw you a diagram!? The end! This place will no longer exist! Now, strap in! We have little time!" As the others strapped in, Ssedrey throttled up and lifted the Talon off the landing pad. The dome, programmed to open when a lift off was detected, split apart obediently. Ssedrey pointed the ship at the sky and throttled up to full. On board the Preymaker, a young sensor officer turned to Captain Ekra. "A ship is leaving the surface. Sensors indicate it is the Talon of the Blood Mist." Ekra hissed and took his seat in his command chair. "Power weapons, target the vessel and fire as soon as it is withi..." "SPACE FOLD DETECTED! ZERO-ONE-ZERO MARK THREE-ONE-FIVE!" Ekra spun in his chair. "WHAT!?" He checked his board and gasped as a Makira class warship emerged from hyperspace. The small warship angled towards the Preymaker. "Pulse field detected!" Ekra's eyes went wide. "Shields! SHIELDS!" The Makira fired its pulse weapon. The Preymaker was struck dead on, the pulse moving up the entire length of the ship. By the time it dissipated, there was nothing left of the Preymaker. No wreckage, no bodies, just nothing. Absolutely nothing. Ssedrey and the others watched as the Makira began to turn toward the colony. A glow emitted from the ship's forward end, intesifying until, suddenly, another pulse flew from the ship, striking the planet's surface. It seemed as if a great hole were being burrowed into the planet's crust. Molten rock flowed up from this hole and began to spread across the surface. Soon, the world itself was on fire, the rim of the planet began to melt like wax. Ssedrey hit the hyperdrive initiator, and the Talon of the Blood Mist left the beleaguered world to die alone. It took them an hour before any of them could speak. The sight they had just seen had awed even Washu into a sense of humility. When she finally did speak, it was a question. "What do we do now?" "We must find the others," Ssedrey told her. "How, Ssedrey," Achi asked. Ssedrey tried to put on a hopeful expression. "It should not be difficult. After all, *they* are looking for *us* as well." They didn't seem convinced. "And we have a place to start looking." "We do?" Sasami asked. Ssedrey nodded. "If I know Cavis and Davner, they will undoubtedly try to make contact with us back at the Chapel." "The Chapel?" Mihoshi asked. "A church?" Ssedrey shook his head. "Chapel is what we call our hideout. It is our only true sanctuary. Not even the GP know of it." "Well, then," Washu said with conviction. "What are we waiting for?! Let's get going!" "Yeah!" Sasami and Achi piped up. Mihoshi adopted a serious look. "Hang on, brave Kiyone! Detective First Class Mihoshi is *on her way*!" Ryo-Ohki miya'd her cheer, and LKT gurgled while hopping up and down on its base, it being just a tentacle without a body. Ssedrey set about altering their course. As he did, he half turned to Washu. "You seemed to know Lord Drakna, Little WaSshu," he commented. Washu shrugged and grinned. "You'd be surprised at what I know... Ssedrey of the Royal Guard." Ssedrey's eyes widened, his head whipped around in shock to look at her. Washu's grin intensified. "*Very* surprised," she repeated and walked into the aft compartment. Ssedrey blinked after and sighed. "One day, Little WaSshu, I am going to figure you out." Until then, however, he had work to do. He made the final course corrections and sat back in his chair, watching the stars go by. Author's Notes: Well, that's it for this part. I'd like to thank my prereaders, Cav and Meg for giving me badly needed help in the course of this series. Any and all C&C is welcome. Please send your comments to: Thomas "009" Doscher